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A career at Progress Capital Advisors focuses on providing professionals with opportunities for long-term growth in a dynamic and growing environment. Professionals are exposed to a diverse range of financial advisory engagements providing them with the opportunity to develop skills in mergers and acquisitions, financings, restructurings and corporate strategy.

Progress Capital is proud to attract a diverse range of talented and experienced M&A, financing and corporate finance professionals. Progress Capital presents an exciting opportunity where professionals are challenged intellectually, are given significant responsibility and can help build Progress Capital' business. An individual's career path is based on his or her ability to demonstrate increasing levels of technical competence, client management skills and teamwork attributes. Career advancement is not strictly governed by time intervals at each level.

Progress Capital professionals include individuals from a broad spectrum of business and educational experiences. The diverse background in the firm's workforce help to reinforce and maintain Progress Capital’ corporate culture and identity. Key attributes of a Progress Capital professional are intellectual excellence, sound business judgment, and a high standard of integrity and ethics. Progress Capital’ professionals also demonstrate a willingness to apply themselves, take initiative, and take pride in their own accomplishments and those of the firm.

Progress Capital provides most of its training on the job. Associates and Analysts will work with other senior professionals in the firm to learn and develop analytical skills and transaction experience.

Recruiting Philosophy

Progress Capital’ recruiting philosophy is to pursue individuals with diverse backgrounds who are highly motivated and possess exceptional interpersonal and analytical skills. Individuals who have demonstrated leadership skills, who can flourish in a team environment and who are flexible by nature and creative in their thinking will thrive within our firm.

Opportunities for Analyst and Associate Positions

Both Analyst and Associates work in small deal teams with two or more senior members of the firm and contribute by analyzing and executing mergers acquisitions, financings and other client engagements. Associates work closely with clients, perform various financial and valuation analyses, assist and prepare client deliverables, and are involved in all elements of transactions. Analysts are expected to closely follow industry trends, maintain industry relationships and develop deep sector and sub-sector perspectives. Because of our entrepreneurial nature, Progress Capital encourages analyst and associates to assume increasing levels of responsibility commensurate with their progress. As a result, Progress Capital believes its analyst and associates develop important client and deal experience earlier than their peers at more structured investment banking firms.

Candidate evaluation criteria include the following:

· Industry background in one or more of our practice areas

· 2-5 years of investment banking experience, or similar experience in restructuring, mergers and acquisitions, and/or corporate finance

· Strong academic background; a post-graduate degree is helpful but not necessary

· Strong communication skills (written and oral)

· Confidence and self motivation

If you are interested in joining Progress Capital Co., Ltd., please email your resume to: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it